GPE NEMLog is an interactive platform tracking key energy market and power system data-points for analysis. This data is crucial to business development and continuous understanding of Australia’s National Electricity Market (NEM) transition. The dashboard provides historical and real-time market data encompassing energy generation to price, demand, time, location, and the Australian Stock Exchange, offering unique evidentiary insights.
By aggregating data from diverse sources, it enables GPE to monitor energy market trends, grid reliability, and the impact of renewable energy adoption, supporting decisions that align with the evolving energy landscape. With a user-friendly interface, GPE NEMLog facilitates evidence based decision-making essential for network development, generator site prospecting, constraint assessment and business model approach.
NEMLog also plays a pivotal role in enhancing real-time situational awareness in-turn facilitating effective responses to the dynamic challenges in the NEM and the broader energy transition. GPE NEMLog offers a suite of essential services, including:
- Detailed, data evidence-based market analysis.
- Generator performance monitoring to GPS and cyber compromise in real-time, enabling response and recovery (meeting ASIC expectations).
- Renewable energy integration tracking.
This platform serves as a discerning tool for GPE and Clients, in a clear and concise overview and monitoring of these key facets of the Australian energy landscape.
Coming soon is access to a multi-million strong data base of energy-news stories archived from the last XX years and continuously updated, and searchable, to enable energy sector research of changes, the shift in approaches and emerging trends to support forward market strategy.
Additionally, GPE NEMLog-Lite, a free version available to anyone interested, provides access to many useful metrics related to the NEM and our Energy Transition, making essential data readily available to a wider audience.